How to adjust basic Grasshopper user setting ?
Learn how to use the Grasshopper user interface and the basic concepts of visual programming using the components.
1Change visual user preferences
This process can be deconstructed into multiple smaller functional parts. Here are some key aspects of algorithmic thinking:
Adjust the display settings for all components
You can adjust the display settings of all the components on the canvas by going in the 'Display' tab.
Adjust the display settings for specific components
2Change component visualisation
This process can be deconstructed into multiple smaller functional parts. Here are some key aspects of algorithmic thinking:
Adjust the display settings for all components
You can adjust the display settings of all the components on the canvas by going in the 'Display' tab.
Adjust the display settings for specific components
3Change the display geometry visualisation
Ajusting the geometry element preview
You can adjust the basic display settings for all Point, Plane, Mesh elements by accessing the Display tab in Grasshopper. Those settings affect only the temporary preview options.
Prieview elements display quality
You can adjust the element display quality by going on the right side of the toolbar and selecting the 'Prieview Mesh Quality' option.